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Who we are

Dee Walker

As the proud owner of The Learning Ladder, I am passionate about young children and how the experiences they have can shape who they become in later life.

I have no doubt that the first five years are fundamental to the growth of a happy, healthy, well-rounded child.
Most of all, I truly believe that parents should feel supported through their child’s early years with the wealth of knowledge possessed by my team of amazing, nurturing, patient, and passionate teachers.
The Learning Ladder is a private enterprise, which enables us to cater to each child’s individual needs.
All children who attend The Learning Ladder will be part of a safe, friendly, kind, and educational environment.  We view our centre as your child’s home away from home and as an extension of their home. 
A happily married mother of three, I have a young adult son and two younger daughters.
I enjoy my work, family time, travel, food, music, the beach, and my pets - two dogs, four chickens, and three turtles!
I am always contactable and you’ll find me on site most days, usually between school hours.
Please don’t hesitate to drop into the centre or call me for a chat – I’d love to talk to you.

Philosophy, Goals and Vision

We make sure our families are part of their children's learning and development.  Communication is key to everything that we do.

Information for parents

The Learning Ladder provides a safe, clean and caring environment, encouraging family relationships and community involvement.

Make an enquiry

Pop in and meet our wonderful team; take time to have a look around, and we're sure you will be delighted with what you find.